SEO (Legal Notice) Score: 79
Title tag
🔧Your Title tag is too short (12). It should ideally be between 41 and 65 characters ! Give more details to your Title tag to make your prospects even more interested in coming to your site.
👍Your Title tag contains all the words of " Legal Notice", it is very good !
Meta Description tag
🔧Your meta description is too short (67). It should ideally be between 101 and 200 characters! Give more details to your meta description to make your prospects even more interested in coming to your site.
👍Your meta description contains all the words of " Legal Notice", it is very good !
👍Your url has a perfect size (between 21 and 100 characters) !
👍Your url contains all the words of " Legal Notice", it is very good !
H1 tag
🔧Your h1 tag is too short (12). It should ideally be between 20 and 100 characters! Give more details to your h1 tag to make your prospects even more interested in coming to your site.
👍Your h1 tag contains all the words of " Legal Notice", it is very good !
👍Your description has a perfect size.
👍Your description tag contains all the words of "Legal Notice", it is very good !
👍That's great, there is at least one h2 tag.
General structure
Open Graph tag
Internal links in the page ()
No follow links ()
Duplicate links ()

Legal Notice is edited by the IFCE (Institut Français du Cheval et de l’Equitation). The head office is located BP207 – Terrefort, 49411 Saumur Cedex and represented by the Managing Director.

The IFCE is registered at the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés) under number 77665.

You are currently connected to The user of this website agree to comply with the following terms and conditions.

Data protection and freedom of information Act

In accordance with Law n°78-17 of January 6th 1978 regarding data protection and freedom of information (Loi Informatique et Libertés), this website has been resgistered at the CNIL.

Personal data and right to correction

In accordance with article 34 of the Act N°78-17 of January 6th 1978 regarding data protection and freedom of information, you have right of access, modification, correction and removal of your account by using your login and password. If you have difficulties, please send an email to

Adress : 

Adresse des bureaux :

Direction juridique

Siège administratif

Route de troche – BP 6

19231 Arnac-Pompadour

For more information on the data protection and freedom of information Act, please consult the CNIL website.

Personal data : use and respect

Collected personal data are subjected to an information process and are exclusively kept for IFCE use. When registering on website, the user can specify if they wish to receive information from IFCE or not. Thereafter, if they so whish, they will be able to modify their decision by accessing their personal account. Collected data are used in a single objective : good management of the website.

These data are kept by IFCE and IFCE is committed to not using it for an other purpose, nor transmitting data to a third party without the agreement of the user. Collected personal data are not transfered abroad.

Intellectual Property

All contents online : texts, graphics, logos, pictures, brands (name or logo), music, videos and downloadable documents, are, unless otherwise specified, IFCE’ exclusive property. They are protected by French and international legislation according to intellectual property regulations and copyright. Any full or partial reproduction or representation, on any support, carried out without prior a written autorisation from équi-ressources, is illicit and constitutes a counterfeit, which is punished by the law in the articles L335-2 and following the intellectual property regulations.


This website was created by :

Ether Creation

Bois Montbourcher

49220 Chambellay

Contact(at), 02 85 52 07 81

Host of the website

IFCE, Avenue de l’ENE, 49411 Saumur, 02 41 53 50 50, info(at) 

N° de TVA intracommunautaire : FR0A130010440.

Director of Publication and Editor : Jean-Roch Gaillet.

Webmaster of the website : direction des services informatiques, route de Troche, 19 231 Arnac-Pompadour.


Photos credits

Copyright agent de l’IFCE: © Alain Laurioux - © Benoit Lemaire - © Cécile Jallet-Frketic – © IFCE